February 27, 2007

Jan-Mar 2007 Newsletter

The January-March 2007 issue of the DCHE Newsletter is now online.

  • Messages from the Chair, Chair-Elect, and MRM Section Chair
  • Bob Buchanan's 'Beyond the Chemistry Web'
  • Linda Shackle's 'Property Help'
  • and a sudoku puzzle courtesy of the Royal Society of Chemistry

February 20, 2007

Call for Posters - Denver 2007 (Last Call)

Deadline for abstract submission: March 1, 2007

"New Technologies in Instruction and Training"
SLA Annual Conference - Denver 2007
Date/Time: Wednesday, June 6, 11:00a.m. – 12:30p.m.
Sponsors: Chemistry Division, Physics-Astronomy-Mathematics (PAM) Division, and the Science-Technology Division.

As the web has evolved, so, too, have programs that enhance our ability to communicate via the web. How have we, as librarians, been leveraging the creative potential inherent in these programs to communicate with and educate our patrons? Blogs, wikis, podcasts, webinars, RSS feeds, and personal response systems (clickers) are just some of the new technologies now in use throughout the web.

If you have been experimenting with any of these new technologies, or others yet unnamed, please consider sharing the results of your efforts at the upcoming poster session at SLA in Denver, June 2007. The poster session will provide an informal and lively venue for sharing innovative ideas on a topic that should interest all of us. Which new technologies have been working well for you? Which have not? How has your own use of these technologies evolved through time? Your colleagues will be most interested in learning from your efforts, both successful and unsuccessful.

Guidelines for materials and layout of poster presentations are available on the SLA Chemistry Division website.

Please submit your name, institution, fax, email address, poster title, and description (250 words or less) by email, fax, or surface mail to Bill Armstrong at the address given below. The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2007. Any SLA Member is welcome to submit an abstract for consideration. In the event that a greater number of submissions are received than can be accommodated, members of the three sponsoring divisions will be given first preference. All applicants will be notified no later than April 1, 2007 as to whether or not their proposal has been accepted.

Bill Armstrong [notwwa@lsu.edu]
Sciences Collection Development Coordinator
Middleton Library
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803 USA

Call for MRM Nominations

The Materials Research and Manufacturing Section is requesting nominations for:

  • 2007 Chair-Elect (term as Chair starts January 2008)
  • 2007 Secretary
  • 2008 Program Planner
We would like to hear your recommendations of MRM members to consider and, of course, self-nominating is encouraged, too! Nominating committee chair Marty Rhine will prepare the slate of candidates (one candidate for each position) to present as an entire slate for a vote at the MRM Business Meeting at the upcoming Denver annual conference, June of 2007 (a Sunday morning Dutch-treat breakfast).

Nominees should be able to attend the MRM business meeting and the CHEM board meetings at the Denver annual conference; the Chair-elect and 2008 Program Planner will also want to participate in the Seattle 2008 conference planning meetings in Denver.

Nominations should be received by March 15, 2007. Please submit nominations to Marty Rhine at this email address: mmrhine@yahoo.com.

--Betsy Aldridge, 2007 Chair, MRM Section, DCHE

February 9, 2007

Feb 2007 Information Outlook

The newest issue of Information Outlook is available. The ebrary reader plugin is required for reading the articles.

February 6, 2007

Science Newcomer's Lunch in Denver (June 3)

RSVP - required by March 9

Are you are new member within about the past 18 months? Will Denver Annual Meeting in June be the first SLA conference you have ever attended?

If the answer to either question is yes, we'd like to invite you to a free lunch on Sunday, June 3 from 12 noon until about 1:30 p.m. A few key people will be available from each sponsoring division (Biomed/Sci-Tech/Chem) to answer any questions you may have about their division, how to navigate the conference, and how to get the most out of your SLA membership. And you get to meet other new people to SLA!

The only catch is that due to long lead times required for our large annual conference, I need to have an RSVP from you by Friday, March 9. Please reserve a spot as soon as you know you are going to the June conference.

Note: this lunch is invitation only for new members and 1st time conference attendees. Everyone is welcome to our open house on Tuesday evening, the All Sciences Reception earlier on Tuesday and our Tuesday morning business meeting & breakfast (both ticketed events). And of course, there are many regular programs for all conference attendees. Please visit our divisional website for the preliminary program

Our annual newcomers lunch is sponsored by three divisions: Biomedical and Life Sciences, Science-Technology, and your own Chemistry Division. Please contact me if you have any questions.

A. Ben Wagner (abwagner@buffalo.edu)
University at Buffalo
The State University of New York