November 26, 2007

October-December 2007 Newsletter

The October-December newsletter has been posted. Some highlights:

  • Elements of Information Literacy
  • Property Help: DIPPR
  • More reports from the 2007 conference, plus an interview with one of the conference planners
  • International resources/associations for materials and manufacturing
If you're interested in contributing to a future newsletter, please contact Meghan Lafferty (

2007 Web Conference Archive

The discussions from the 2007 Web Conference, based on the SLA Poster Session "New Technologies in Instruction and Training," have been archived.

Call for Posters: 2008 in Seattle

Call for Posters, 2008 Annual Conference (Seattle)
Theme: Collaborative Communities in Physical and Virtual Environments: the Science Library and Beyond

SPONSOR: Chemistry Division
LOCATION/DATE/TIME: SLA Annual Conference - Seattle 2008; Tuesday, June 17, 7:00pm – 9:00pm


The science library is changing rapidly; older technology in the form of print is causing the walls to close in on us, just as newer technology is opening new doors while at the same time placing new demands on us. Our patrons are developing different expectations of the library, information retrieval, and the spaces within which working interactions have traditionally been conducted. We must learn to adapt in new and innovative ways, often involving a complete rethinking of the concept, “library.”

How have you begun to adapt your space to meet the needs of today's science patrons? Have you experimented with collaborative work spaces, either physical or virtual? Have you established a presence in Facebook, My Space, Second Life or other social environments? What about innovations in virtual reference? Are you using institutional repositories in collaborative ways?

If you are involved at all in any of these activities or have explored ideas yet unnamed, please consider sharing the results of your efforts at the upcoming All-Sciences Poster Session at the Annual SLA Conference in Seattle , June 2008. This theme is being sponsored by the Chemistry Division.

The poster session will provide an informal and lively venue for sharing innovative ideas on a topic that is of importance to us all. Which of the new innovations have been working well for you? Which have not? Your colleagues will be most interested in learning from your efforts and your ideas, both successful and unsuccessful.

Guidelines for materials and layout of poster presentations are available on the SLA Chemistry Division website at

Please submit your name, institution, email address, poster title, and description (250 words or less) by email to Bill Armstrong at The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2008. Any SLA member is welcome to submit an abstract for consideration. In the event that a greater number of submissions are received than can be accommodated, members of the Chemistry Division will be given first preference. All applicants will be notified no later than April 1, 2008 as to whether or not their proposal has been accepted.

William W. Armstrong (
Sciences Collection Development Coordinator
Chemistry Librarian
Liaison to Physics & Astronomy
Middleton Library
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge , LA 70803 USA
Ph. (225) 578-2738
Fax: (225) 578-9432

2008 Sparks Award Information

2008 Marion E. Sparks Award for Professional Development

The Chemistry Division of the Special Libraries Association (SLA) is sponsoring a student/new member travel award to defray the costs of attending the 2008 SLA Annual Meeting June 15-18 in Seattle, WA. The award is intended to encourage the professional development of student members and new members of the Chemistry Division and encourage their participation in Chemistry Division activities.

$1,500 stipend to attend the 2008 SLA Annual Conference. The winner will also receive a certificate of achievement and will be introduced at the Chemistry Division Business Meeting & Breakfast.

All student members of the Chemistry Division and all new members of the Chemistry Division (individuals who have joined since January 2007) are eligible. All applicants must have joined the Chemistry Division by March 3, 2008.

Please submit the following:

  • A brief essay that: a) clearly articulates your objectives for professional development; and b) indicates what you hope to gain from attending the SLA Annual Meeting. Maximum length: 2 pages.
  • Resume
  • Names of two references
  • Brief budget (expected expenses for registration, airfare, lodging, food and/or continuing education course).
    Registration in a Chemistry Division or other Continuing Education (CE) course is recommended, but not required.
All applications must be received by March 17, 2008. The winner will be notified by April 10, 2008. Essays will be judged by a panel of SLA Chemistry Division members.


Cory Craig (
University of California, Davis
Physical Sciences & Engineering Library
One Shields Avenue
Davis, California 95616-8676


The award is named to honor Marion E. Sparks, a chemistry librarian at the University of Illinois from 1913 until her death in 1929. Ms. Sparks contributed a great deal to the field of chemical information, her achievements include teaching courses on chemical information, and authoring and publishing what is argued to be the first book to formally address chemical literature and library instruction.