November 26, 2007

October-December 2007 Newsletter

The October-December newsletter has been posted. Some highlights:

  • Elements of Information Literacy
  • Property Help: DIPPR
  • More reports from the 2007 conference, plus an interview with one of the conference planners
  • International resources/associations for materials and manufacturing
If you're interested in contributing to a future newsletter, please contact Meghan Lafferty (

2007 Web Conference Archive

The discussions from the 2007 Web Conference, based on the SLA Poster Session "New Technologies in Instruction and Training," have been archived.

Call for Posters: 2008 in Seattle

Call for Posters, 2008 Annual Conference (Seattle)
Theme: Collaborative Communities in Physical and Virtual Environments: the Science Library and Beyond

SPONSOR: Chemistry Division
LOCATION/DATE/TIME: SLA Annual Conference - Seattle 2008; Tuesday, June 17, 7:00pm – 9:00pm


The science library is changing rapidly; older technology in the form of print is causing the walls to close in on us, just as newer technology is opening new doors while at the same time placing new demands on us. Our patrons are developing different expectations of the library, information retrieval, and the spaces within which working interactions have traditionally been conducted. We must learn to adapt in new and innovative ways, often involving a complete rethinking of the concept, “library.”

How have you begun to adapt your space to meet the needs of today's science patrons? Have you experimented with collaborative work spaces, either physical or virtual? Have you established a presence in Facebook, My Space, Second Life or other social environments? What about innovations in virtual reference? Are you using institutional repositories in collaborative ways?

If you are involved at all in any of these activities or have explored ideas yet unnamed, please consider sharing the results of your efforts at the upcoming All-Sciences Poster Session at the Annual SLA Conference in Seattle , June 2008. This theme is being sponsored by the Chemistry Division.

The poster session will provide an informal and lively venue for sharing innovative ideas on a topic that is of importance to us all. Which of the new innovations have been working well for you? Which have not? Your colleagues will be most interested in learning from your efforts and your ideas, both successful and unsuccessful.

Guidelines for materials and layout of poster presentations are available on the SLA Chemistry Division website at

Please submit your name, institution, email address, poster title, and description (250 words or less) by email to Bill Armstrong at The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2008. Any SLA member is welcome to submit an abstract for consideration. In the event that a greater number of submissions are received than can be accommodated, members of the Chemistry Division will be given first preference. All applicants will be notified no later than April 1, 2008 as to whether or not their proposal has been accepted.

William W. Armstrong (
Sciences Collection Development Coordinator
Chemistry Librarian
Liaison to Physics & Astronomy
Middleton Library
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge , LA 70803 USA
Ph. (225) 578-2738
Fax: (225) 578-9432

2008 Sparks Award Information

2008 Marion E. Sparks Award for Professional Development

The Chemistry Division of the Special Libraries Association (SLA) is sponsoring a student/new member travel award to defray the costs of attending the 2008 SLA Annual Meeting June 15-18 in Seattle, WA. The award is intended to encourage the professional development of student members and new members of the Chemistry Division and encourage their participation in Chemistry Division activities.

$1,500 stipend to attend the 2008 SLA Annual Conference. The winner will also receive a certificate of achievement and will be introduced at the Chemistry Division Business Meeting & Breakfast.

All student members of the Chemistry Division and all new members of the Chemistry Division (individuals who have joined since January 2007) are eligible. All applicants must have joined the Chemistry Division by March 3, 2008.

Please submit the following:

  • A brief essay that: a) clearly articulates your objectives for professional development; and b) indicates what you hope to gain from attending the SLA Annual Meeting. Maximum length: 2 pages.
  • Resume
  • Names of two references
  • Brief budget (expected expenses for registration, airfare, lodging, food and/or continuing education course).
    Registration in a Chemistry Division or other Continuing Education (CE) course is recommended, but not required.
All applications must be received by March 17, 2008. The winner will be notified by April 10, 2008. Essays will be judged by a panel of SLA Chemistry Division members.


Cory Craig (
University of California, Davis
Physical Sciences & Engineering Library
One Shields Avenue
Davis, California 95616-8676


The award is named to honor Marion E. Sparks, a chemistry librarian at the University of Illinois from 1913 until her death in 1929. Ms. Sparks contributed a great deal to the field of chemical information, her achievements include teaching courses on chemical information, and authoring and publishing what is argued to be the first book to formally address chemical literature and library instruction.

September 28, 2007


Title: "New Technologies in Instruction and Training,"
Sponsors: Chemistry, Physics-Astronomy-Mathematics, and Sci-Tech Divisions of SLA
Dates: October 1 - 16, 2007
Registration: free
Format: Asynchronous web-based discussion
List of Presentations:
Presentations from the Poster Session:

Please join the Chemistry, Physics-Astronomy-Mathematics, and Sci-Tech divisions of SLA for a web conference entitled, "New Technologies in Instruction and Training," to be held online October 1 - 16, 2007, at the Chemistry Division's web conference site at The conference will feature many of the posters originally presented at the SLA Annual Meeting, June 2007, in Denver. Each poster presentation will have its own discussion forum moderated by at least one of the authors/presenters.

The presentations and discussion forums for all posters will be open and available the entire duration of the conference, thereby allowing conference attendees ample time to see the posters and take part in any and all sessions of interest. The forums and links to the content for all presentations will be available to attendees and guests by 8:00 a.m. (CDT), October 1. The conference site will be open 24 hours a day, and, as discussions are asynchronous, you will be able to participate at times most convenient to you.

Full participation in the event will require registration, but this is free and painless. The site is currently open for registration. For those of you who have already registered for a previous conference, your ID and Password are still valid. If, however, you have forgotten what they are, just click on the login button on the conference home page without filling in anything, and you'll be provided a link which will enable you to have your username emailed to you and to reset your password. When you fill in your registered email address in the box provided, you will be sent instructions on how to reset your password.

If you do not choose to register, you may still view all content and discussions, but you will not be able to post. We do hope you will take advantage of the opportunity to discuss the various topics with the presenters, however.

If you have any questions at all about the conference, how to participate, or problems with registration, please email or call William Armstrong through the contact information provided below.

William W. Armstrong
Sciences Collection Development Coordinator
Chemistry Librarian
Liaison to Physics & Astronomy
Middleton Library
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803 USA
Ph. (225) 578-2738
Fax: (225) 578-9432

August 20, 2007

July-September 2007 Newsletter

The July-September newsletter has been posted. Some highlights:

  • Reports from the 2007 Conference, including one from Sparks Award Winner Michael Peper.
  • Beyond the Chemistry Web
  • "What's New in Composites"

Board & Business Meeting Minutes Posted

Minutes have been posted for:

August 3, 2007

Information Competencies for Chemistry Undergraduates

The final version of Information Competencies for Chemistry Undergraduates: the elements of information literacy is now available. A big thanks to the DCHE Ad Hoc Committee on Information Literacy for all their work in putting this together.

If you have questions or comments about this document, please contact Cory Craig ( and Linda Maddux (

Vendor Report: Bio-Rad

The Bio-Rad presentation from the Chemistry Vendor Roundtable has been posted (warning: large file).

July 14, 2007

How to Find Spectroscopy/Crystallography

Dana Roth's presentation (+ links) on locating crystallography information is now online. Elizabeth Brown's spectroscopy presentation is available on SlideShare. These were great presentations: informative, interesting, and chock full of good resources.

Vendor Reports: Thomson & CAS

The Thomson & CAS presentations from the Chemistry Vendor Roundtable have been posted.

June 12, 2007

Collection Development in the Electronic Age (Presentations)

Three presentations from the Collection Development in the Electronic Age have been posted:

2008 Chair-Elect and Other Executive Board News

At the Chemistry Division Business Meeting on June 5, Luray Minkiewicz (DuPont Experimental Station) was elected Chair-Elect 2008 and Division Chair for 2009. She is currently the division's archivist.

Remember, SLA has moved to calendar years so there was no changeover of the Executive Board during the conference. In January, Chair-Elect Sue Cardinal (Univ Rochester) will become DCHE Chair, and current Chair Ben Wagner (Univ Buffalo) will become Past-Chair/Nominating Committee Chair.

Margarete Bower (Univ Pittsburgh), who was appointed secretary earlier this year, was elected to remain as such for 2008-2009. Secretaries and treasurers are elected in alternate years, so Bob Buchanan (Auburn) will continue as treasurer through 2008.

Spectroscopy for the Unpolarized

Elizabeth Brown's (Binghampton) excellent presentation on finding spectra and spectroscopic information is now online at SlideShare. Or you can check it out here:

Collection Development in the Electronic Age (Posted)

The handout for the Collection Development in the Electronic Age program has been posted. We hope to get copies of the presentations and post those as well.

June 6, 2007

Conference Reports, Presentations, Handouts...

Did you write a report on one of the sessions? Give a presentation? Participate in the poster session? Then send your stuff!!

Please send in your reports, presentation slides, poster files, and handouts to, and they'll get posted on the DCHE website.

Word and Powerpoint files are preferred. Any changes I make (including conversion to PDF) are only to reduce file size.

May 31, 2007

Executive & Advisory Board Reports

Reports from the DCHE Executive and Advisory Board members are now online. See what we've been up to and what we have planned for the coming months.

May 30, 2007

Board & Business Meeting Agendas

The agendas for the next week's DCHE Board and Business meetings have been posted.

May 22, 2007

Updated Conference Schedule

The DCHE schedule has been updated!! I have merged the table and text view and linked the two so you can jump from a title in the graphical schedule to get a detailed description of that program. Also added: more INFO-EXPO (no-conflict) activities, and room numbers for all the events.

May 16, 2007

DCHE Open House - Details and RSVP

This year's DCHE Open House will be held at the historic Byers Evans House Museum on Tuesday, June 5th from 8 pm until 11 pm. The house is within walking distance of the Firefighters Museum (4 blocks) where the All Science Open House will be held that night (7-9 pm).

RSVP: To get a headcount for the caterer, please send an e-mail directly to Bullitt Darlington [] and let him know if you will be attending this fun event!

Food & drink: Appetizers, sandwiches, soft drinks, beer, wine
Entertainment: Tour the historic home, 1890's piano playing by some DCHE members (including you, if you like).
Directions: From conference center -- SOUTHEAST on 14TH ST toward WELTON ST; Turn RIGHT onto BANNOCK ST; Byers Evans House: 1310 Bannock St.
Fun: Come dressed in your best 1890's outfit: Victorian ball gowns, western wear, cowboy hats, fans, parasol's -- whatever you can create!

May 11, 2007

April-June 2007 Newsletter

The April-June newsletter has been posted. Some highlights:

  • Messages from the Chair, Chair-Elect, and MRM Section Chair
  • Linda Shackle's latest ph (Property Help) article--this one on Phase Diagrams
  • 2007 Sparks Award Winner Michael Peper's essay
  • Beyond the Chemistry Web, from Bob Buchanan
  • Reports from the 2007 SLA Leadership Summit and 233rd ACS National Meeting
  • Schedule for the 2007 Conference, plus the abstracts for the Poster Session

April 11, 2007

Poster Session - Presenters/Abstracts Announced

The 20 posters (with presenters and abstracts) for the always-popular poster session have been announced.

New Technologies in Instruction and Training
co-sponsored by DCHE, DPAM and DST
Wednesday, June 6, 2007 (11:00AM - 12:30PM)

No-Host Dinner for Conference: June 2

June 2, 6pm-8pm
Host: Bartow Culp, Purdue Univ.

Dinner this year will be at Rioja, easy walking distance of the conference center and hotels. The reservation is for 20, so please let Bartow ( know by May 25.

Conference Early Bird Registration Ends May 1

Just a reminder - after May 1 the registration's $375 for members until May 25, then onsite registration for members is $425.

April 10, 2007

2007 Sparks Award Winner

Congratulations to Michael Peper of University of North Carolina, winner of the 2007 Sparks Award.

In honor of Marion E. Sparks, the Chemistry Division of SLA awards this every year to a promising student/new member of DCHE. Michael will receive $1,500 to attend the Denver Conference and will be honored at the Business Meeting & Breakfast. His essay will appear in the next newsletter.

April 5, 2007

2007 Conference Schedule Update

I've done a major update of the conference schedule, in table form as well as text with descriptions. The two versions will be hyperlinked (item-to-item) in the next update, along with the list of poster presenters and the Sparks winner.

This is cobbled together from several sources, so please contact me if something's missing or incorrect.

March 21, 2007

Information Competencies for Chemistry Undergrads

The Ad Hoc Committee on Information Literacy has released their draft guidelines:

Information Competencies for Chemistry Undergraduates: The Elements of Information Literacy
Please send comments or questions to Cory Craig and Linda Maddux, co-chairs.

Leadership Summit - DCHE Board Minutes

Missed the Leadership Summit in Reno earlier this year? The minutes of the DCHE Board Meeting have been posted.

March 7, 2007

Denver Newcomer's Lunch on June 3 (RSVP)

Are you are new member within about the past 18 months? Will Denver Annual Meeting in June be the first SLA conference you have ever attended?

If the answer to either question is yes, we'd like to invite you to a free lunch on Sunday, June 3 from 12 noon until about 1:30 p.m. A few key people will be available from each sponsoring division (Biomed-Life Sciences / Sci-Tech / Chem) to answer any questions you may have about their division, how to navigate the conference, and how to get the most out of your SLA membership. And you get to meet other new people to SLA!

The only catch is that due to long lead times required for our large annual conference, I need to have an RSVP from you by Wed, March 14. Please reserve a spot as soon as you know you are sure you are going to the June conference (even if you haven't yet registered).

Note this lunch is invitation only for new members and 1st time conference attendees. Everyone is welcome to our open house on Tuesday evening, the All Sciences Reception earlier on Tuesday (tickets required), and our Tuesday morning business meeting & breakfast (also a ticketed event). And of course there are many regular programs for all conference attendees. Please visit our divisional website for the preliminary program at

Our annual newcomers lunch is sponsored by three divisions: Biomedical and Life Sciences, Science-Technology, and your own Chemistry Division. Please contact me if you have any questions.

A. Ben Wagner (
Chair, SLA Chemistry Division; Denver 2007 Co-planner
University at Buffalo
716-645-2947 x230

March 6, 2007

DCHE Sponsors, Preliminary Schedule for 2007

The 2007 Conference pages have been updated!!

February 27, 2007

Jan-Mar 2007 Newsletter

The January-March 2007 issue of the DCHE Newsletter is now online.

  • Messages from the Chair, Chair-Elect, and MRM Section Chair
  • Bob Buchanan's 'Beyond the Chemistry Web'
  • Linda Shackle's 'Property Help'
  • and a sudoku puzzle courtesy of the Royal Society of Chemistry

February 20, 2007

Call for Posters - Denver 2007 (Last Call)

Deadline for abstract submission: March 1, 2007

"New Technologies in Instruction and Training"
SLA Annual Conference - Denver 2007
Date/Time: Wednesday, June 6, 11:00a.m. – 12:30p.m.
Sponsors: Chemistry Division, Physics-Astronomy-Mathematics (PAM) Division, and the Science-Technology Division.

As the web has evolved, so, too, have programs that enhance our ability to communicate via the web. How have we, as librarians, been leveraging the creative potential inherent in these programs to communicate with and educate our patrons? Blogs, wikis, podcasts, webinars, RSS feeds, and personal response systems (clickers) are just some of the new technologies now in use throughout the web.

If you have been experimenting with any of these new technologies, or others yet unnamed, please consider sharing the results of your efforts at the upcoming poster session at SLA in Denver, June 2007. The poster session will provide an informal and lively venue for sharing innovative ideas on a topic that should interest all of us. Which new technologies have been working well for you? Which have not? How has your own use of these technologies evolved through time? Your colleagues will be most interested in learning from your efforts, both successful and unsuccessful.

Guidelines for materials and layout of poster presentations are available on the SLA Chemistry Division website.

Please submit your name, institution, fax, email address, poster title, and description (250 words or less) by email, fax, or surface mail to Bill Armstrong at the address given below. The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2007. Any SLA Member is welcome to submit an abstract for consideration. In the event that a greater number of submissions are received than can be accommodated, members of the three sponsoring divisions will be given first preference. All applicants will be notified no later than April 1, 2007 as to whether or not their proposal has been accepted.

Bill Armstrong []
Sciences Collection Development Coordinator
Middleton Library
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803 USA

Call for MRM Nominations

The Materials Research and Manufacturing Section is requesting nominations for:

  • 2007 Chair-Elect (term as Chair starts January 2008)
  • 2007 Secretary
  • 2008 Program Planner
We would like to hear your recommendations of MRM members to consider and, of course, self-nominating is encouraged, too! Nominating committee chair Marty Rhine will prepare the slate of candidates (one candidate for each position) to present as an entire slate for a vote at the MRM Business Meeting at the upcoming Denver annual conference, June of 2007 (a Sunday morning Dutch-treat breakfast).

Nominees should be able to attend the MRM business meeting and the CHEM board meetings at the Denver annual conference; the Chair-elect and 2008 Program Planner will also want to participate in the Seattle 2008 conference planning meetings in Denver.

Nominations should be received by March 15, 2007. Please submit nominations to Marty Rhine at this email address:

--Betsy Aldridge, 2007 Chair, MRM Section, DCHE

February 9, 2007

Feb 2007 Information Outlook

The newest issue of Information Outlook is available. The ebrary reader plugin is required for reading the articles.

February 6, 2007

Science Newcomer's Lunch in Denver (June 3)

RSVP - required by March 9

Are you are new member within about the past 18 months? Will Denver Annual Meeting in June be the first SLA conference you have ever attended?

If the answer to either question is yes, we'd like to invite you to a free lunch on Sunday, June 3 from 12 noon until about 1:30 p.m. A few key people will be available from each sponsoring division (Biomed/Sci-Tech/Chem) to answer any questions you may have about their division, how to navigate the conference, and how to get the most out of your SLA membership. And you get to meet other new people to SLA!

The only catch is that due to long lead times required for our large annual conference, I need to have an RSVP from you by Friday, March 9. Please reserve a spot as soon as you know you are going to the June conference.

Note: this lunch is invitation only for new members and 1st time conference attendees. Everyone is welcome to our open house on Tuesday evening, the All Sciences Reception earlier on Tuesday and our Tuesday morning business meeting & breakfast (both ticketed events). And of course, there are many regular programs for all conference attendees. Please visit our divisional website for the preliminary program

Our annual newcomers lunch is sponsored by three divisions: Biomedical and Life Sciences, Science-Technology, and your own Chemistry Division. Please contact me if you have any questions.

A. Ben Wagner (
University at Buffalo
The State University of New York

January 31, 2007

SLA 2007 Conference/Hotel Registration Open

Online registration for the conference is now open. The print registration form will be in one of the next issues of Information Outlook.

Conference Hotel information, prices and maps are now available. You can book your room for the conference rate online or by phone.

January 18, 2007

MRM Advisory Board Members & Volunteers - 2007

The Materials Research & Manufacturing Section page has been updated to reflect the new Advisory Board members and volunteers. The volunteers will work with their counterparts on the Division Advisory Board.

January 5, 2007

New Executive & Advisory Board Members - 2007

Executive Board Changes:

  • Chair: Ben Wagner (State Univ of NY - Buffalo)
  • Chair-Elect: Sue Cardinal (Univ Rochester)
  • Past-Chair/Nominating Committee Chair: Ted Baldwin (Univ Cincinnati)
  • Secretary: Margarete Bower (Univ Pittsburgh)
  • Treasurer: Bob Buchanan (Auburn Univ)
Advisory Board Changes:
  • ACS Liaision: Bing Wang (Georgia Tech)
  • Bulletin Editor: Meghan Lafferty (Univ Minnesota)
  • NSDL Liaison: Hilary Davis (NC State)
  • 2008 Program Planner: Rachel Ellison (Ecolab)
  • Sparks Award: Cory Craig (UC Davis)
  • Sponsorship: Mindy Pennington (Pfizer)