2008 Chair-Elect and Other Executive Board News
At the Chemistry Division Business Meeting on June 5, Luray Minkiewicz (DuPont Experimental Station) was elected Chair-Elect 2008 and Division Chair for 2009. She is currently the division's archivist.
Remember, SLA has moved to calendar years so there was no changeover of the Executive Board during the conference. In January, Chair-Elect Sue Cardinal (Univ Rochester) will become DCHE Chair, and current Chair Ben Wagner (Univ Buffalo) will become Past-Chair/Nominating Committee Chair.
Margarete Bower (Univ Pittsburgh), who was appointed secretary earlier this year, was elected to remain as such for 2008-2009. Secretaries and treasurers are elected in alternate years, so Bob Buchanan (Auburn) will continue as treasurer through 2008.