December 19, 2008

A Note from the Chair-Elect

I hope you all had a great experience at the SLA Conference in Seattle in June. The conference was filled with opportunities to learn and network and to celebrate our profession. I hope that you all returned back to your organizations and were able to put at least one new thing you learned into practice already.

I enjoyed meeting some “Newcomers” to the Chemistry Division at the Newcomers’ Luncheon, congratulating the award winners at the Business Meeting, learning about alternative fuels and some hot technologies, and networking with new and old friends at the Chemistry Division’s Speed Networking/Open House Reception and the All Sciences Poster Session. HINT: if you happened to miss seeing any of the posters, there was an opportunity to view them via the online web poster session in October – November. You can still find them at

Also at this conference the planners for the 2009 conference met twice and we are gearing up to set the schedules and topics for next year’s programs. You will see some familiar program sessions again, such as the Roundtable event. We also want to continue the Speed Networking concept for the Chemistry Division Open House Reception, and it appears as if the All Sciences Poster Session/Reception will do an encore performance.

Please stay tuned to the Chemistry Division discussion list to learn more about the other program topics being planned because we may put a call out for moderators, speakers and panelists in the next few months.

To join the SLA Chemistry Division discussion list, SLA-DCHE, please go to:

Luray M. Minkiewicz, SLA Chemistry Division Chair-Elect