Assessing Collections & Information Resources in Science & Technology (Call for Presentations)
CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS - Assessing Collections & Information Resources in Science & Technology
co-sponsored by ACS CINF and SLA Chemistry Division
240th ACS National Meeting & Exposition
Boston, Massachusetts, August 22-26, 2010
CINF Division
Collections and resources for scientific information are changing rapidly in format and accessibility, budget pressures are forcing hard decisions. How can information professionals assess the utility of collections for their clientele? Do you monitor usage statistics or other measures? How do they influence your decision making for managing budgets and services? How do different stakeholders utilize information about usage? We are interested in presentations from librarians, publishers and other information professionals on best practices for tackling this kaleidoscope of issues.
Topics might include:
- how libraries use usage stats
- how to compare similar resources to each other (such as Reaxys & SciFinder)
- journals / ebooks / databases - different resources, different stats
- how can compare different publishers (standardization)
- how publishers use data
- technical issues around stats
- how to use stats on cancellations?
- qualitative information methodologies (ex. Focus groups)
Submissions will be accepted through March 28, 2010.
Please contact: Leah Solla ( or Erja Kajosalo ( for more information.